Our company MATKO D.Turnenopoulos S.A. operates over the last 40 years. It is one of the most specialized companies of Greece on the marble mining and processing. The company quarries are located on the area of Tranovaltos Kozani and they consist of one of the most important marble mining areas of Greece.

ΜΑΤΚΟ S.A. holds two factories of marble processing: a) Tranovalto Kozanis, b) Shimatari Attikis. Both are fully equipped with their own quarry areas in order to provide vertical services. In addition the two quarries of the company provide top quality marble products of Tranovaltos Kozanis (White, semi-white, "fume"). Our exhibition on the area of Gerakas Attikis contributes for added value, so that our customers can get an overall picture for all products and services of our company.

The company exmports 50% of marble production in international market: mostly on USA, Europe and South-East Asia but also in Gulf Countries and Middle East MATKO S.A. has intense presence. An important part of our production covers also the Greek Market. The production capabilities of the company are 20.000 m² per month. In this way MATKO S.A. can cover every customer need.